Rajan, K. N. Govinda,

Radiation safety in radiation oncology / K.N. Govinda Rajan. - 1 online resource

Basic atomic and nuclear physics -- Basic medical radiation physics -- Evolution of radiation protection and radiation risk concepts -- Radiation protection quantities, units and standards -- System of radiation protection and regulations in radiation oncology -- Calibration of radiation monitoring instruments -- Radiation detectors for area (ambient) monitoring -- Radiation detectors for individual monitoring -- Transport of radioactive materials in radiation oncology -- Radiation protection in external beam therapy -- Radiation protection in brachytherapy -- Prevention of accidents in radiation oncology.

"This book aims to explain the basic principles, concepts and regulations behind radiation protection and their application in the field of radiation oncology practice. This book will be useful to all those students, teachers and practicing professionals involved in the field of radiation oncology namely (a) the radiation oncology physicists (b) therapy technologists (c) radiation oncologists (d) oncology nurses and (e) regulators undergoing IAEA training in regulations. The main target audience for the book are the medical physics students doing undergraduate or graduate program in radiation oncology physics and the teachers who teach the subject in the academic institutions"--

9781315119656 9781351632898 9781498762267

10.1201/9781315119656 doi

Medical physics.
Cancer--Radiotherapy--Safety measures.

RC271.R3 / R365 2017

616.9940642 / R161